Snowy Monkey

Building a software synth

Alchemy 008 Released January 8, 2010

Filed under: alchemy — snowy monkey @ 7:31 am

Alchemy 008 has just been released.  You can download it here.

I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, but the main new feature seems to be the addition of modules.  You can add or remove modules as you like, including those you’ve created yourself.  Some examples mentioned on the website are:

  • Shout at the computer. Use your voice to control the width of a line or the form of a shape.
  • Draw ‘blind’. Turn off the canvas display and explore what shapes emerge from the ‘darkness’.
  • Create random shapes. Generate shapes that can be used as a starting point for characters, spaceships, or whatever shape you see in the ‘clouds’.
  • Mirror draw. Draw mirrored symmetrical forms in realtime.
  • Randomise. Mess up and distort shapes.

It’s nearly the weekend now, maybe I can find some free time…

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